Dark Brethren Guide & Commendations | Sea of Thieves

Welcome to the Sea of Thieves, a Pirate’s Life, season 3 update. This is THE guide to the fourth tall tale of the series, The Dark Brethren, if you don’t want any spoilers you best minimize this page now or forever hold your grog. This guide will hold EVERY hidden commendation and journal location so you can rest assured you won’t miss a thing.
The Dark Brethren Tall Tale Guide
Beginning The Tale
Once you have completed the previous three Pirates tales, vote for the Dark Brethren tall tale at the Castaway’s camp. You can choose to wait and hear the pirate jarrrgon or you can set your sails north to the Coral Fortress at the top of your ships map!
Unlike the first tall tale, this one is NOT a solo instance, so you can and may run into other crews while on this voyage and may also end up helping each other progress.
The Corral Fortress is North at the very top of your map. When you start your voyage you will be loaded into an available outpost. If you are spawned in quite far away you may want to reload into the game and check your map to see if you are in reasonable sail distance, otherwise you may be in for a long voyage!
As you sail your way to the Fortress you’ll have Jack to keep you company and insult the freshness of your fruit! Once you get to the Fortress you’ll park that big beautiful ship of yours and head inside.
Once inside Jack will open a stone door with a locket and you begin your fourth pirate adventure.
The Dark Brethren - Part 2
There are three things you’ll need to be paying close attention to during your visit at the fortress: Getting the 5 Mermaid Murals by pulling levers in order, Finding all 10 Journals, and completing the puzzles to progress and finish the tall tale story.
You’ll find the end of the tunnel blocked but Jack will come and open it for you. You’ll swim up into a small pool of water. find and take the gyser to the next level by standing on top of it.
At the top, you’ll see a pulley. The pulley will allow you to hop on the log and make it over to the other side. Right on the other side, you will see your third book “Company” in front of the steps.
Climb up the makeshift stairs and up the log ladder. Jack will join you at the top and after some mumbling, he will fall down a waterfall. You will want to get the commedation “Secret Waters” here. In order to do this, you must hold “D” on your keyboard or hold your thumbstick to the right on console. This will allow you to take a secondary path down.
The Dark Brethren - Part 3 - The Flying Dutchman
The waterfall will spit you out to the hidden Flying Dutchman. Before triggering the story, go ahead and pull three levers to reveal the second mermaid mural. Pull the lever to the right of the ship, the left of the ship and then in front of the ship. The Mural will appear on the wall in front of the third lever.
The Dark Brethren - Part 4 - Mermaid Puzzle Room
Before Progressing, you’ll want to get your third Mermaid Mural by flipping the above water levers under the small waterfall and the lever under the big waterfall. Next turn opposite of the waterfalls and flip the lever in the water under the crosshatch wooden piece floating on the water.
Once you follow Jack up the trail he will start reading a book and when he finishes he will go through a wall and find a siren heart. Grab the heart from his arm sticking through the wall and give it to the siren on the left, which is missing that heart.
Next, you’ll notice there is a lit up mural on the wall showing three siren statues in the room with you. Go ahead and hit or shoot the two sirens holding tridents until their arms match the mural and then hit or shoot the siren with the horn to open the door to the next area.
The Dark Brethren - Part 5 - Mermaid Puzzle Room Upper Level
When you come through the door you’ll be on a ledge with a pulley that pulls the hanging ship up. Once you turn off the waterfall on the other side of the room you can angle the ship up and jump to the next area.
To turn off the waterfall you’ll need to solve another statue puzzle. One of the statues are on the ledge with you, the other two are on opposite sides of the room, only visible from jumping on the hanging wreckage. The other two are hard to see, the one on the left needs shot twice, the one on the right needs shot once.
Once all three statues are properly placed, shoot the statue across the way with the horn to turn off the water fall, then skip merrily across the wreckage and jump down to the other side of the cavern.
Head on up the wooden pathways. Before you go up the first log, go ahead and flip lever one.
Once lever one is flipped go across the second log, flip lever two, come back across the log and flip lever three. You now have your fourth Mermaid Mural.
The Dark Brethren - Part 6
The Dark Brethren - Part 7 - The Brethren Court
The Dark Brethren - Part 8 - Ritual of Thieves
When you come to the Ritual of Thieves you’ll notice Jack’s help in this quest. As you kill the waves of enemies coming toward you make sure you listen for Jack’s directions. He will require you to use pulleys on opposite sides of the cavern to help him get around.
Once the waves are completed, you will fight the Gold Horder; and then once the Gold Holder has been bested, Jack will fall down and be tied up by one leg. You’ll need to cut him down and complete the quest.