Fallout 4 Horror Edition Mod List

Fallout 4 Horror Edition Mod List
This is to turn Fallout 4 from a pretty mild “scary” game into a full fledged absolutely terrifying horror experience.
Unique NPCs – Creatures and Monsters of the Commonwealth
Pilgrim themed Main Menu Replacer
PILGRIM – Dread the Commonwealth (UNSUPPORTED)
Whispering Hills – a Silent Hill overhaul for Fallout 4
Pilgrim – Radiant Clouds and Fogs Patch
The Running Dead – Customisable Zombie Apocalypse Mod
Pip-Boy Flashlight (Pipboy – Power Armor – Lamp Overhaul)
Crawler Ghoul – Inserts New Enemy into Feral Ghoul LvL’d List
GRIM ENB (Option ENB Preset)
True Storms – Wasteland Edition (Thunder-Rain-Weather Redone)
True Nights (for True Storms with ENB)
Horror at the Prison Camp – Starlight Drive-in Overhaul
Wasteland Horrors – Reshade Preset (REUPLOADED) (Another Preset)
Horror themed Legendary creature mutation sound effect pack
Horror Themed Level up sound effects pack
Horror Themed XP gain sound effect pack
Start Me Up – Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul
Other Mods to help
Although THESE make up the majority of the scary mods (some of these are mod PACKS, remember, so there’s a lot more in there than just what you see) I have a HEAP of other mods that can drastically change the experience. If you want to take a look at those mods: